
삼성물산, 등급별 층간소음 체험 가능한 연구시설 개관

기사입력 2022.05.26 11:00

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    삼성물산이 개관한 ‘래미안 고요안랩’


    삼성물산 건설부문(대표이사 오세철)은 층간소음에 대한 직접 체험과 관련 기술에 대한 이해, 연구에서 실증까지 가능한 층간소음 복합 연구시설인 ‘래미안 고요안(安)랩(LAB)’을 개관했다고 26일 밝혔다.

    래미안 고요안랩(이하 고요안랩)은 총면적 2380㎡와 지하 1층~지상 4층 규모의 층간소음 전문 연구시설로, 국내 최대 규모를 자랑한다. 연구시설 외에도 층간소음을 직접 체험할 수 있는 공간을 마련해 층간소음 해결을 위한 사회적 공감대 형성 역할도 수행한다.

    실제 체험존에서는 위층에서 일상적인 생활 중에 발생할 수 있는 층간소음을 아래층에서 직접 들으면서 느껴볼 수 있도록 했다. 특히 층간소음을 등급별로 체험하고 적용 기술에 따라 소음의 정도가 달라지는 차이를 실제로 확인해 볼 수 있다.

    층간소음 저감 기술 연구와 실증이 이뤄지는 10세대의 실증 세대에서는 일반적인 △벽식 구조를 비롯해 △기둥식 구조 △혼합식 구조 △라멘 구조 등 4개 주택 구조를 적용해 구조별로 소음이 전파되는 과정을 이해할 수 있도록 했다.

    여기에 일반적인 아파트에서 사용되는 바닥슬래브 두께 210mm를 비롯해 250mm, 300mm 등을 적용해 슬래브 두께에 따른 바닥충격음의 차이를 체험하고 연구할 수 있도록 했다. 4개의 주택 구조 형식과 바닥 슬래브 두께를 210mm에서 300mm까지 적용한 것은 고요안랩이 처음으로, 구조별로 바닥 재료의 조합을 통해 최상의 층간소음 저감 기술과 공법을 실증할 수 있다는 데 의미가 있다.

    삼성물산은 자체적으로 개발한 층간소음 저감기술 역시 시범 적용했다. 바닥슬래브 일부분만 두께를 높이면서도 소음을 줄일 수 있는 바닥 구조를 비롯해 층간소음 저감에 효과가 큰 고중량, 고유동 바닥 재료를 활용한 300mm 슬래브 등을 일부 세대에 적용했다.

    삼성물산은 8월부터 시행되는 층간소음 사후확인제를 앞두고 지금까지 개발한 기술과 공법 등을 고요안랩을 통해 빠르게 검증해 공동주택에 적용해 나갈 계획이다. 아울러 새롭게 개정된 1등급 기준에 부합하는 최고 등급의 기술 또한 개발해 상용화에 나선다는 방침이다.

    삼성물산은 고요안랩을 대외 연구기관 등에 공개하고, 개발된 기술도 적극 공유해 나갈 계획이다. 이를 통해 기업 차원에서의 기술 개발보다 사회적 문제 해결에 무게 중심을 두겠다는 의지다. 실제 삼성물산은 이날 개관식에서 한국건설기술연구원과 업무협약을 맺고 층간소음에 대한 공동연구 수행과 기술 표준 수립, 정책 개발에 상호 협력하기로 했다.

    삼성물산 오세철 사장은 “층간소음은 산업계는 물론, 연구기관과 학계 등 모두가 각자의 전문성을 모아야 해결할 수 있는 문제”라며 “고요안랩 개관이 사회적 문제인 층간소음을 해결하는 초석이 되도록 노력해 나갈 계획”이라고 말했다.

    한편 26일 개관식에는 국토교통부를 비롯해 한국건설기술연구원, 대한건축학회 등 층간소음 관련해 여러 기관 관계자들이 참석한 가운데 용인시 기흥구에 있는 삼성물산 래미안 고요안랩에서 진행됐다.

    언론연락처: 삼성물산 커뮤니케이션팀 이현기 프로 02-2145-5705

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.[대한행정일보]
    자동차 튜닝 부품 인증 기준을 통과한 전조등 튜닝용 LED 광원 제품


    한국자동차튜닝협회는 3년간 자동차 튜닝 인증 부품 판매 실적이 개선됐다고 26일 밝혔다.

    한국자동차튜닝협회에 따르면, 2019년 기준 4000여 건, 2020년 4만2000여 건, 2021년 11만3000여 건으로 판매 실적이 증가했다.

    판매 실적이 증가한 이유는 2019년 국토교통부의 ‘자동차 튜닝 활성화 대책’ 발표에 기반해 지속적인 튜닝 부품 인증 대상 개발을 통해 이뤄낸 성과로 분석된다.

    판매 실적 중 가장 돋보이는 품목은 ‘전조등 튜닝용 LED 광원’이다. 한국자동차튜닝협회는 2019년 11월 인증 기준이 신규로 제정된 이후 2022년 4월까지 15개 업체에서 160여 건의 인증을 받고, 시장에서 합법적으로 전조등 튜닝용 LED 광원을 판매·유통하고 있다. 누적 판매 현황은 15만여 건으로, 튜닝인증제품 전체의 70%를 차지하고 있으며 연간 150억 이상의 매출 창출 효과를 내고 있다.

    전조등 튜닝용 LED 광원은 튜닝 부품 인증 기준이 제정되기 전에는 모든 관련 제품이 법적으로 판매·유통이 허용되지 않아 운전자의 안전을 위협하는 중국 저가 제품들이 무분별하게 유통돼 왔다. 국내 제조사들은 성능이 뛰어난 제품을 생산할 능력을 갖춰도 국내에서는 판매를 할 수 없어 해외 수출을 통해서만 제품을 생산·판매하던 상황이었다.

    이에 한국자동차튜닝협회는 제조사들의 민원을 접수해 공론화하고, 관련 기관과 2년여 기간 협의를 바탕으로 인증 기준 마련을 위해 노력했으며, 국토교통부가 2019년 8월 자동차 튜닝 활성화 대책 발표를 통해 합법화 방안을 마련했다.

    또한 한국자동차튜닝협회는 같은 해 11월 인증 기준을 제정하고, 관련 제조사들이 합법적으로 국내에서 판매할 길을 마련했다. 국내에서 튜닝 부품 인증 제도를 통해 합법적으로 판매 및 유통할 기회를 제공하면서 기존에 음지에서 무분별하게 거래되던 전조등 튜닝용 LED 광원 시장을 제도권으로 편입하도록 했다. 이를 통해 안전성이 확보된 제품을 소비자들이 선택하도록 해 합법적인 튜닝에 대한 인식 개선에 도움이 되고 있다. 더욱이 뛰어난 기술력을 보유한 국내 제조사들에는 일자리 창출과 사업을 자유로이 영위할 기회를 제공하고 있다.

    한국자동차튜닝협회는 2015년 1월 국토교통부에서 튜닝부품인증기관으로 지정, 현재에 이르기까지 인증 제도를 운영 중이다. 튜닝 부품 인증 제도 도입 초기에는 생소함과 별도의 인증 절차로 관련 기업들의 호응이 없어 어려움을 겪기도 했다. 하지만 현장의 니즈를 반영한 신규 인증 대상 개발, 튜닝 인증 부품에 대한 튜닝 승인 및 검사 절차 면제 효력 부여 등 지속적인 인증 제도 활성화 방안 마련을 통해 튜닝 부품 인증 제도를 소비자들이 편리하게 이용하도록 지원 중이다.

    그 결과, 현재까지 50여 개 기업이 650개 부품에 대한 튜닝 부품 인증을 완료하고, 합법적으로 인증 제품을 국내에서 판매 및 유통하고 있다.

    최근 한국자동차튜닝협회는 확대되는 튜닝 인증 부품 시장에 발맞춰 정기 검사 강화 및 해외 수입 제품에 대한 공장 검사 실시 등을 통한 안전성 강화에도 힘쓰고 있다. 매년 전조등 튜닝용 LED 광원 인증 제품에 대한 정기 검사를 통해 시장에 유통되는 인증 제품의 품질 및 성능을 확인하고 있다. 국내에서 제조되는 제품뿐만 아니라 해외에서 생산되는 제품에 대한 공장 심사 실시를 통해 현장 중심의 심사 체계를 강화하고 있다.

    승현창 한국자동차튜닝협회 회장은 “튜닝 부품 인증 제도는 소비자가 안전하고 편리하게 튜닝을 즐기도록 해 튜닝 산업의 저변을 확대하는 것이 제도의 도입 취지다. 튜닝 부품 인증 제도 활성화를 통해 튜닝 부품 제조사, 유통사들이 좀 더 활발하게 업을 영위할 수 있는 터전을 다지도록 하겠다”며 “튜닝 부품 인증 제도를 통해 튜닝 산업 활성화를 이끌겠다”고 말했다.

    한국자동차튜닝협회 개요

    한국자동차튜닝협회는 대한민국 자동차 튜닝 산업의 건전한 발전과 회원사 여러분들의 권익 증진을 도모하기 위해 국토교통부 산하 기관으로 설립했다. 건전한 자동차 튜닝문화를 선도해 국민의 자동차 생활에 대한 편익 증진, 튜닝 부품 인증 기관으로 기술력 있는 중소기업 육성, 튜닝 산업 활성화로 새로운 일자리 창출을 위해 노력하고 있다.

    언론연락처: 한국자동차튜닝협회 사무처 이원종 국장 1522-2014

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.[대한행정일보] Frazier Life Sciences announced the addition of Tao Fu as a Venture Partner. He has over 25 years of business development, general management, operations, strategy, and commercial leadership experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

    Mr. Fu most recently served as President & Chief Operating Officer and then Chief Strategy Officer for Zai Lab, a publicly-traded biotech company listed on both NASDAQ (ZLAB) and Hong Kong, where he held a broad set of responsibilities including strategy, operations, business development, CMC, quality, and other corporate functions.

    Prior to Zai Lab, Mr. Fu was Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial and Business Officer of Portola Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: PTLA), a publicly-traded biotech company specializing in cardiovascular disease and cancer. In this role, he led Portola’s commercial operations, marketing, sales, and business development.

    Mr. Fu was previously Vice President, Head of M&A and Alliance Management at Bristol Myers-Squibb (BMS), leading the company’s corporate development, alliance management and venture capital investing activities.

    Prior to BMS, Mr. Fu worked at Johnson & Johnson (J&J) for 11 years, holding a number of leadership positions with increasing responsibilities, most recently as Vice President, Head of M&A, responsible for J&J’s global M&A activities in the pharmaceutical sector.

    Over his career, Mr. Fu oversaw and was the primary deal negotiator for over 50 high-impact business development transactions. Earlier in his career, he worked at Scios Inc., a biotech company in California, and McKinsey & Company.

    Mr. Fu received an MS in biology from the University of Rochester, and an MBA in finance and marketing from Vanderbilt University. He did his undergraduate studies in biology at Tsinghua University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

    “We are excited to have Tao join our team,” said Managing Partner Jamie Topper. “He is a highly experienced biopharmaceutical executive who will help us identify, evaluate, and transact investment opportunities for our company creation efforts.”

    About Frazier Life Sciences

    Frazier Life Sciences invests globally in private and publicly-traded companies that discover, develop, and commercialize innovative biopharmaceuticals. Frazier Life Sciences funds comprise over $3.3 billion in capital raised, including venture funds focusing on company creation and private companies, and a public fund focused on small and mid-cap public companies. Since 2005, 61 Frazier Life Sciences portfolio companies, many of which were created or seeded by Frazier, have completed IPOs or M&As. The Frazier Life Sciences team consists of over 40 professionals with deep expertise in biopharmaceuticals, primarily located in Menlo Park, California (headquarters), San Diego, Seattle, Boston, New York, and London.

    For more information about Frazier Life Sciences, please visit www.frazierhealthcare.com/life-sciences.

    View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525005339/en/

    언론연락처: Frazier Life Sciences Kate Schykerynec 650.325.5156

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.[대한행정일보] Frazier Life Sciences announced the addition of Tao Fu as a Venture Partner. He has over 25 years of business development, general management, operations, strategy, and commercial leadership experience in the pharmaceutical and biotech industry.

    Mr. Fu most recently served as President & Chief Operating Officer and then Chief Strategy Officer for Zai Lab, a publicly-traded biotech company listed on both NASDAQ (ZLAB) and Hong Kong, where he held a broad set of responsibilities including strategy, operations, business development, CMC, quality, and other corporate functions.

    Prior to Zai Lab, Mr. Fu was Executive Vice President, Chief Commercial and Business Officer of Portola Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: PTLA), a publicly-traded biotech company specializing in cardiovascular disease and cancer. In this role, he led Portola’s commercial operations, marketing, sales, and business development.

    Mr. Fu was previously Vice President, Head of M&A and Alliance Management at Bristol Myers-Squibb (BMS), leading the company’s corporate development, alliance management and venture capital investing activities.

    Prior to BMS, Mr. Fu worked at Johnson & Johnson (J&J) for 11 years, holding a number of leadership positions with increasing responsibilities, most recently as Vice President, Head of M&A, responsible for J&J’s global M&A activities in the pharmaceutical sector.

    Over his career, Mr. Fu oversaw and was the primary deal negotiator for over 50 high-impact business development transactions. Earlier in his career, he worked at Scios Inc., a biotech company in California, and McKinsey & Company.

    Mr. Fu received an MS in biology from the University of Rochester, and an MBA in finance and marketing from Vanderbilt University. He did his undergraduate studies in biology at Tsinghua University and is a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).

    “We are excited to have Tao join our team,” said Managing Partner Jamie Topper. “He is a highly experienced biopharmaceutical executive who will help us identify, evaluate, and transact investment opportunities for our company creation efforts.”

    About Frazier Life Sciences

    Frazier Life Sciences invests globally in private and publicly-traded companies that discover, develop, and commercialize innovative biopharmaceuticals. Frazier Life Sciences funds comprise over $3.3 billion in capital raised, including venture funds focusing on company creation and private companies, and a public fund focused on small and mid-cap public companies. Since 2005, 61 Frazier Life Sciences portfolio companies, many of which were created or seeded by Frazier, have completed IPOs or M&As. The Frazier Life Sciences team consists of over 40 professionals with deep expertise in biopharmaceuticals, primarily located in Menlo Park, California (headquarters), San Diego, Seattle, Boston, New York, and London.

    For more information about Frazier Life Sciences, please visit www.frazierhealthcare.com/life-sciences.

    View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525005339/en/

    언론연락처: Frazier Life Sciences Kate Schykerynec 650.325.5156

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.프레지어 라이프 사이언스(Frazier Life Sciences)가 타오 푸(Tao Fu)를 벤처 파트너로 영입했다고 발표했다.

    타오 푸는 제약 및 생명공학 분야에서 25년 이상 사업 개발, 일반 관리, 운영, 전략 및 상업 부서를 지휘한 경험을 가졌다.

    타오 푸 신임 벤처 파트너는 가장 최근에 나스닥(NASDAQ)과 홍콩에 상장한 생명공학 기업 자이 랩(Zai Lab)(나스닥: ZLAB)의 사장 겸 최고운영책임자(COO)이자 최고전략책임자(CSO)로 근무하며 전략, 운영, 사업 개발, CMC (화학·제조·관리), 품질 및 기타 기업 운영에 필요한 광범위한 책임을 맡았다.

    자이 랩 합류 이전에는 심혈관 질환 및 암을 전문으로 연구하는 생명공학 기업인 포톨라 파마슈티컬스(Portola Pharmaceuticals)(나스닥: PTLA)의 수석 부사장 겸 최고 상업·비즈니스 책임자로 일하며 포톨라의 상업 운영, 마케팅, 영업 및 비즈니스 개발을 주도했다.

    이 밖에도, BMS (Bristol Myers-Squibb)의 부사장, M&A 및 제휴 관리 책임자로 근무하며 기업 개발, 제휴 관리 및 벤처 캐피털 투자 업무를 이끌기도 했다.

    BMS 재직 전에는 존슨앤드존슨(Johnson & Johnson)에서 11년간 여러 리더십 직책을 맡으며 책임을 키웠고 가장 최근에는 제약 부문에서 존슨앤드존슨의 글로벌 M&A 활동을 담당하는 부사장 겸 M&A 책임자로 일했다.

    타오 푸는 지금까지 50건 넘는 영향력 있는 사업 개발 거래의 관리와 협상을 주도했다. 경력 초기에는 캘리포니아 소재 생명공학 회사인 시오스(Scios Inc.)와 맥킨지 앤 컴퍼니(McKinsey & Company)에서 근무했다.

    타오 푸는 로체스터 대학(University of Rochester)에서 생물학 석사를, 밴더빌트 대학(Vanderbilt University)에서 재무 및 마케팅 MBA를 취득했다. 그는 중국 칭화대학교(Tsinghua University)에서 생물학을 전공한 공인 재무 분석가(CFA)다.

    제이미 토퍼(Jamie Topper) 매니징 파트너는 “타오 푸가 우리 팀에 합류하게 돼 기쁘다”며 “풍부한 경험을 보유한 생물약제학 전문 경영자로서 회사 설립을 위한 투자 기회를 식별하고 기업 평가와 거래에 도움을 줄 것”이라고 밝혔다.

    프레지어 라이프 사이언스(Frazier Life Sciences) 개요

    프레지어 라이프 사이언스는 혁신적인 바이오 의약품을 발견·개발·상용화하는 전 세계 상장 및 비상장 기업에 투자한다. 프레지어 라이프 사이언스의 관리 자금은 회사 설립 및 민간 기업에 중점을 둔 벤처 펀드와 중소기업에 중점을 둔 공적 펀드를 포함해 33억달러 이상의 조달 자본으로 구성됐다. 2005년 이후 61개의 포트폴리오 기업을 두고 있으며 그중 많은 회사가 프레지어에 의해 설립되거나 자본을 투자 받아 상장하거나 M&A를 완료했다. 프레지어 라이프 사이언스 팀은 주로 캘리포니아 멘로파크(본사), 샌디에이고, 시애틀, 보스턴, 뉴욕 및 런던에 기반을 두고 있으며 생물약제학에 관한 심층 지식을 보유한 40명 이상의 전문가로 구성됐다.

    프레지어 라이프 사이언스에 관한 상세 정보는 회사 웹사이트(www.frazierhealthcare.com/life-sciences)에서 확인할 수 있다.

    비즈니스 와이어(businesswire.com) 원문 보기: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525005339/en/

    [이 보도자료는 해당 기업에서 원하는 언어로 작성한 원문을 한국어로 번역한 것이다. 그러므로 번역문의 정확한 사실 확인을 위해서는 원문 대조 절차를 거쳐야 한다. 처음 작성된 원문만이 공식적인 효력을 갖는 발표로 인정되며 모든 법적 책임은 원문에 한해 유효하다.]

    언론연락처: 프레지어 라이프 사이언스(Frazier Life Sciences) 케이트 쉬커리넥(Kate Schykerynec) 650.325.5156

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.[대한행정일보] Covetrus® (NASDAQ: CVET) (“Covetrus” or the “Company”), a global leader in animal-health technology and services, today announced that it has entered into a definitive agreement pursuant to which funds affiliated with Clayton, Dubilier & Rice (“CD&R”), a global private investment firm, and TPG Capital, the private equity platform of global alternative asset management firm TPG (“TPG”), will acquire all outstanding shares of Covetrus common stock not already owned by affiliates of CD&R for $21.00 per share in cash, representing an enterprise value of approximately $4 billion.

    CD&R and its affiliates currently beneficially own approximately 24% of the Company’s outstanding shares of common stock. The transaction delivers significant value to Covetrus’ shareholders and represents a 39% premium to Covetrus’ 30-day volume weighted average price per share as of the unaffected stock price as of May 13, 2022.

    The proposed transaction has been unanimously approved by a transaction committee of independent directors of the Board of Directors of Covetrus (the “Transaction Committee”). The Board of Directors of Covetrus has unanimously approved the proposed transaction on the recommendation of the Transaction Committee.

    “This transaction is an important milestone for our company, shareholders, employees, customers and partners,” said Benjamin Wolin, Covetrus’ President and Chief Executive Officer and a member of its Board of Directors. “Not only does this deal provide compelling value for our existing shareholders, it allows Covetrus to continue its mission to drive positive outcomes - both business and healthcare - for veterinarians across the globe. We appreciate CD&R’s support and their continued commitment to our company and the global veterinary community.”

    “Covetrus has undergone a true transformation since our initial 2015 investment in its predecessor Vets First Choice, growing from $55 million in revenue focused primarily on online pharmacy in the US to a leading global provider of animal health services with more than $4.6 billion in revenue,” said Sarah Kim, Partner at CD&R. “We are excited to have this opportunity to grow our investment in Covetrus and to do so in partnership with TPG and management,” added Ravi Sachdev, Partner at CD&R.

    “Covetrus offers a dynamic portfolio of leading distribution and technology solutions to veterinarians across the globe,” said Jeff Rhodes, Co-Managing Partner at TPG Capital. “The company is at an important stage in its ongoing evolution, and we look forward to partnering with management and CD&R to further its leadership in the growing animal health space,” continued Kendall Garrison, Partner at TPG Capital.

    The transaction is expected to close in the second half of 2022. Completion of the transaction is subject to certain regulatory approvals and the satisfaction of other customary closing conditions, including the approval of Covetrus’ shareholders. The transaction will be financed through a combination of cash funded by investment funds affiliated with CD&R and TPG Capital, as well as committed debt financing.

    Upon completion of the transaction, Covetrus will become a private company and will no longer be publicly listed or traded on NASDAQ. Covetrus’ management team, including Benjamin Wolin, President and Chief Executive Officer, is expected to continue to lead the Company. Covetrus plans to maintain its headquarters in Portland, Maine, and will continue to operate under its current brands.


    Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC is serving as lead financial advisor to Covetrus. Lincoln International LLC is also serving as financial advisor to Covetrus. Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP is serving as legal counsel.

    Deutsche Bank Securities Inc., UBS Investment Bank, BMO Capital Markets and Mizuho Securities USA LLC have provided committed debt financing for the transaction and are serving as financial advisors to CD&R and TPG Capital. Debevoise & Plimpton and Ropes & Gray are acting as legal counsel for CD&R and TPG Capital.

    About Covetrus

    Covetrus is a global animal-health technology and services company dedicated to empowering veterinary practice partners to drive improved health and financial outcomes. We are bringing together products, services, and technology into a single platform that connects our customers to the solutions and insights they need to work best. Our passion for the well-being of animals and those who care for them drives us to advance the world of veterinary medicine. Covetrus is headquartered in Portland, Maine with more than 5,700 employees serving over 100,000 customers around the globe. For more information about Covetrus, please visit https://covetrus.com/.

    About Clayton, Dubilier & Rice

    Clayton, Dubilier & Rice is a private investment firm with a strategy predicated on building stronger, more profitable businesses primarily in five industry sectors, including Industrials, Healthcare, Consumer, Technology and Financial Services. Since inception, CD&R has managed the investment of more than $40 billion in over 100 companies with an aggregate transaction value of more than $175 billion. For more information, please visit www.cdr-inc.com.

    About TPG

    TPG is a leading global alternative asset management firm founded in San Francisco in 1992 with $120 billion of assets under management and investment and operational teams in 12 offices globally. TPG invests across five multi-product platforms: Capital, Growth, Impact, Real Estate, and Market Solutions and our unique strategy is driven by collaboration, innovation, and inclusion. Our teams combine deep product and sector experience with broad capabilities and expertise to develop differentiated insights and add value for our fund investors, portfolio companies, management teams, and communities. For more information, visit www.tpg.com or @TPG on Twitter.

    Cautionary Statement Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

    This press release contains forward-looking statements, including statement regarding the effects of the proposed acquisition of Covetrus by funds affiliated with CD&R and TPG Capital. We may, in some cases use terms such as “predicts,” “believes,” “potential,” “continue,” “anticipates,” “estimates,” “expects,” “plans,” “intends,” “may,” “could,” “might,” “likely,” “will,” “should,” or other words that convey uncertainty of the future events or outcomes to identify these forward-looking statements. Such statements are based on a number of assumptions about future events and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties, and actual results could differ materially from those anticipated due to a number of factors including, but not limited to, the occurrence of any event, change or other circumstances that could give rise to the termination of the merger agreement; the inability to complete the proposed merger due to the failure to obtain shareholder approval for the proposed merger or the failure to satisfy other conditions to completion of the proposed merger; risks related to disruption of management’s attention from our ongoing business operations due to the proposed merger; the effect of the announcement of the proposed merger on our relationships with our customers, operating results and business generally; the risk that the proposed merger will not be consummated in a timely manner; the potential for political, social, or economic unrest, terrorism, hostilities or war, including war between Russia and Ukraine and the potential impact of financial and economic sanctions on the regional and global economy; the impact of inflationary effects on the company, the effect of health epidemics, including the COVID-19 pandemic, on our business and the success of any measures we have taken or may take in the future in response thereto, including compliance with prolonged measures to contain the spread of COVID-19 which may impact our ability to continue operations at our distribution centers and pharmacies; the ability to achieve performance targets, including managing our growth effectively; the ability to launch new products; the ability to successfully integrate acquisitions, operations and employees; the ability to continue to execute on our strategic plan; the ability to attract and retain key personnel; the ability to manage relationships with our supplier and distributor network, including negotiating acceptable pricing and other terms with these partners; the ability to attract and retain customers in a price sensitive environment; the ability to maintain quality standards in our technology product offerings as well as associated customer service interactions to minimize loss of existing customers and attract new customers; access to financial markets along with changes in interest rates and foreign currency exchange rates; changes in the legislative landscape in which we operate, including potential corporate tax reform, and our ability to adapt to those changes as well as adaptation by the third-parties we are dependent upon for supply and distribution; the impact of litigation; the impact of accounting pronouncements, seasonality of our business, leases, expenses, interest expense, and debt; sufficiency of cash and access to liquidity; cybersecurity risks, including risk associated with our dependence on third party service providers as a large portion of our workforce is working from home; and those additional risks discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K filed on February 28, 2022. Our forward-looking statements are based on current beliefs and expectations of our management team and, except as required by law, we undertake no obligations to make any revisions to the forward-looking statements contained in this release or to update them to reflect events or circumstances occurring after the date of this release, whether as a result of new information, future developments or otherwise. Investors are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements.

    Additional Information and Where to Find It

    This communication is not intended to and does not constitute an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe for or buy or an invitation to purchase or subscribe for any securities or the solicitation of any vote or approval in any jurisdiction, nor shall there be any sale, issuance or transfer of securities in any jurisdiction in contravention of applicable law. In connection with the proposed merger, the Company intends to file relevant materials with the Securities and Exchange Commission (the “SEC”), including a proxy statement on Schedule 14A (the “Proxy Statement”), and the Company and affiliates of CD&R intend to jointly file a transaction statement on Schedule 13e-3 (the “Schedule 13e-3”). This communication is not a substitute for the Proxy Statement or any other document that the Company may file with the SEC or send to its shareholders in connection with the proposed merger. SHAREHOLDERS OF THE COMPANY ARE ADVISED TO READ THE PROXY STATEMENT, THE SCHEDULE 13E-3 AND ANY OTHER DOCUMENTS FILED BY THE COMPANY WITH THE SEC IN CONNECTION WITH THE PROPOSED MERGER BECAUSE THEY WILL CONTAIN IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE COMPANY AND THE BUSINESS TO BE CONDUCTED AT THE SPECIAL MEETING. All such documents, when filed, may be obtained free of charge at the SEC’s website (http://www.sec.gov). These documents, once available, and the Company’s other filings with the SEC also will be available free of charge on the Company’s website at https://ir.covetrus.com/investors/sec-filings.

    Participants in the Solicitation

    The Company and its directors and executive officers may be deemed to be participants in the solicitation of proxies from the Company’s shareholders with respect to the proposed merger. Information about the Company’s directors and executive officers and their ownership of the Company’s common stock is set forth in the proxy statement on Schedule 14A filed with the SEC on April 1, 2022 and the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2021 filed with the SEC on February 28, 2022. To the extent that such individual’s holdings of the Company’s common stock have changed since the amounts printed in the Company’s proxy statement, such changes have been or will be reflected on Statements of Change in Ownership on Form 4 filed with the SEC. Other information regarding the identity of the potential participants, and their direct or indirect interests in the proposed merger, by security holdings or otherwise, will be set forth in the Proxy Statement and other materials to be filed with SEC in connection with the proposed merger. Free copies of these materials may be obtained as described in the preceding paragraph.

    View source version on businesswire.com: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20220525005393/en/

    언론연락처: Covetrus Investor Contact Nicholas Jansen (207) 550-8106 Media Contact Mona Downey Clayton, Dubilier & Rice Abernathy MacGregor Lisa Pham and Deirdre Walsh 713.816.1186 / 646.965.3079 / TPG Leslie Shribman and Courtney Power 415-743-1550

    이 뉴스는 기업·기관·단체가 뉴스와이어를 통해 배포한 보도자료입니다.[대한행정일보]
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